Its too bad that Oliver Hardy is no longer available for the job of Barak Obama's press spokesman to replace the oleaginous and increasingly tongue-tied Gibbs. At least Ollie could have brought some clownish levity to the ongoing disaster of the Obama Administration. Not that Gibb's twisting dishonesty doesnt have an element of clownishness to it but its too obvious and frankly there isnt anything funny about what's going on. At least Ollie could pull off, "Well its another fine mess that Bush and the Republicans have gotten us into this time!" with a bit of style.
Whenever the Democreep's policies lead to failure and they're caught lying through their teeth they tend to fall back on style but that avenue of dishonesty seems to have failed with this lot. One of the things thats so hard for a humble right-wing blogger these days is the sheer number and clumsiness of their lies, the multiplicity of outrages and the titanic bungling that seem to be all that this administration is made of; which one are you mad at most? If you wait two hours to post your blog another Obama lie or disaster has already popped up.
Should I sneer with pride because I have been saying to the people who are buying gold that they are living in a fool's paradise if they think a socialist government is going to let them profit by their wise investment? Now we find that hidden in the 'Health Scare' bill's voluminous pages is a reporting requirement and tax on the sale of the shiny yellow metal. Guns and gold are registered for easy confiscation. But that wasnt this week's big outrage emerging from the 'Health Scare Bill'. The real corker is that Barry 'I'll Never Raise Taxes On People Making Less Than $200,000 A Year' Obama is now fighting the lawsuits against his 'mandate' that you buy health insurance, supposedly empowered by the Commerce Clause in the Constitution, by averring that it isnt a mandate at all but a tax, on the 50% who file and pay taxes. Of course the deserving freeloaders wont be asked to contribute, just you 'not paying your fair share' working chumps.
But this week's watchword has been 'racism'. As the Democreeps sink in the polls they whip out all their tired old shibboleths and get to work. The NAACP attacks the Tea Partiers as racists. The slimy Democreep hacks in a chat room for 'journalists' called 'Jour-No-List' are told by a professor at one of the elite schools of 'journalism' to change the subject from Obama's failures and lies by trumping up a charge of racism against some conservative; Fred Barnes or Karl Rove will do nicely. But somehow the subject got changed by the 'New Black Panther Party' screaming racial epithets at white people and preventing them from voting...and the subsequent refusal by our blatantly racist Attorney General to enforce yet another law. Preventing their opponents from voting is a pattern for these anti-American Democreeps. This week also had a story about how they were making it more difficult to count the ballots of armed fascist murderers (you know, the US military) because they are overwhelmingly Republican. Tossed out military voters helped 'elect' Al Franken to the Senate. They must be SO proud.
But then someone slipped Andrew Breitbart a tape of a federal official in the Agriculture Department giving a speech to the NAACP sneering about how she didnt do her job helping some white farmer whom she was sure 'felt superior' to her. Of couse it went viral everywhere but the Jour-No-List Gubmint Media. After their scummy treatment of the vast majority of 'racist' people in Arizona (and by implication all of the 70% of the people in the country who agreed with them) and the New Black Panther deal, and the re-emergence of the delightful racial demogog Rev Wright (Obama's official black father figure) the Obamunists were getting a little gun-shy. THEY were being accused of racism and, unlike the provably false charges leveled against the Tea Party by the always dishonest racial poverty pimps in the Black Caucus, the Obama Administration's egregious racism is on tape and public for all to see. They freaked out and the White House phoned the woman in her car as she was driving back to the office from some meeting and demanded she resign without ever asking for an explanation or having a hearing. Too bad the rest of the tape put her remarks in a much different context, turning the whole incident into a giant gaffe that discredited the Obama-commies and their running Jour-No-List dogs in the Gubmint Media, who panicked without even trying to look into the facts. Of course they assumed that the charges were true. In the twisted minds of liberals arent black bureaucrats supposed to hate white people? They're just not supposed to say it on tape. There's racists around here somewhere!
But that was all yesterday's news. It covered up the fact that President Hopeless has just inked another 2,000+ page legislative monstrosity called Fin-Reg. The two authors of the Fannie-Freddie real estate debacle (Frank & Dodd) have written a bill that will magically, without any hearings, debate or honest reportage in the Jour-No-List media, fix the entire workings of the financial markets. The draconian rules against derivatives and other things the commies dont like will be sure to further choke off access to venture capital and chase trillions more offshore. How many more taxes are hidden in the massive bill? We'll find out but let's venture a guess--plenty of them! The New Depression is officially ON!
But to return to poor Ollie, I'm thinking of that silent short where Stan and Ollie are trying to sell some poor boob a Christmas tree. With each action the anger rises and in the end Laurel and Hardy's car and the house of the guy who doesnt want to buy the tree are both a pile of smoking ruins. This is what Obama and the Democreeps are doing to your house, and all our houses with their danged Hope And Change. Its a fine mess they've gotten us into this time. I hope its not too late to stop them.
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