During the orgy of sentimentality and nauseating phony emotions following the Tragic Death of Buckingham Barbie (Princess Di) the Mercedes Benz motorcar company felt obliged to explain why the Magic Chariot didnt prevent this vacuous, completely unaccomplished but very photogenic person's death. "Every technique of modern engineering has been employed to make our cars as safe as it is possible to be but no engineering can overcome the laws of physics," was the response but the proles were inconsolable and not likely to be molified by ugly Barbiephobic statements like this.
We might want to consider that statement in another context as our current crop of social engineers apply their modern techniques to our helpless nation. As with the lovely Windsorian Cinderella our speeding national agenda is in the hands of a group of people drunk with power and trying to stay one length ahead of the pursuing hounds who are baying the truth about the impending doom of every single thing that these morons have considered true for the last seventy years. They feel that they are safe and that the only thing this well-engineered society needs is ever more intricate engineering.
They have conveniently replaced the Constitution with Catch 22. Catch-22 is easier to learn than the Constitution. It goes like this: 'We can do anything you cant stop us from doing'. Ya got that? Power is everything, the end justifies the means. The entire social structure born from the lies and illegal actions of FDR, with his quasi-fascist NRA, expanded through a long line of presidents, Republican and Democrat, and fattened by a long line of Congresses, Republican and Democrat and realized in the form of a bureaucracy that increasingly invades more and more of what used to be considered private conduct, is headed for the concrete pillar of reality.
The word 'unsustainable' is used more and more to describe the current fiscal situation. This is after the top-drawer geniuses in every country spent several trillion dollars pursuing Keynesian stimulus policies without a single voice seriously questioning whether the world could borrow its way to prosperity. The madcap borrowing and crashing demographics are already starting a domino collapse of geriatric Europe. Instead of the Cradle to Grave social welfare systems so lovingly described for decades by our native lefties we see No Cradle to Grave societies. Because confiscatory taxes and a stagnant, spiritually empty conformity cause the totally self-centered members of these nations to forgo procreation as too expensive and too much trouble (No Cradles) most countries in Western Europe are looking at the total extinction of their native populations in another two generations. No Cradles lead one's society to the Grave.
But Catch 22 is still driving policy. The deluded Democrats have become as heedless of their own political survival as they have been to our national survival. They are trying to override the Constitution in the name of Catch 22 by nationalizing one sixth of the national economy, a sector already reeling from excessive government intervention. That they think they can do this very unpopular act by a parliamentary trick that does an end-run around the clear language of the Constitution makes you ask whether they have completely lost their grip on reality.
People are freaked out. They've had more than a year of this and they are getting madder. Now the Administration, the one which supposedly was 'focused like a laser-beam' on unemployment has extended unemployment benefits and announced that this fake 10%, real 20% unemployment rate is acceptable and likely to be permanent. You got that, you Hope and Change voters? Permanent. You people in your 50s who have been cut loose from shrinking industries, TOUGH! Stop sniveling about your unimportant 'careers', take your permanently extended unemployment and shut up. Kids emerging from the university with a worthless degree and six-figure debt, why not start your life's journey off by sitting in your parent's spare room dodging calls from student loan bill collectors?
All this to support the public employee unions and their avatars in the Democratic Party. They're all doing great, riding the speeding luxury vehicle they have so superbly engineered. No problems across the wide Potomac in deep Obamaland. There are ever more subsidies, handouts, phony make-work jobs to friends and glowing press releases. The people who are doing this are graduates of the top schools but they dont understand what it is that causes wealth to exist and that one of its main components is morality.
Huh? What? Morality has a bad name these days. That's what nosy, holier-than-thou people invoke to stick their schnozolas into other people's business. Annoying and really what does morality have to do with wealth? Who are you to say that I'm a bad person anyway? Its just my private life, for Pete's Sake!
Morality is the laws of physics. Wealthy societies are built and maintained by people who are moral. Wealth is created by you and I working together confident that we can trust each other's good intentions. Morality is having good intentions. When I am pursuing my passion and working towards the future I understand that if people motivated and competent cant take me at my word they will not work with me. I am obliged to respect their needs and feelings if I am to earn their respect. The competent people all know each other. A skillful boss allows these people to do their jobs with as little interference as possible. They wont slack off, they wont steal. Companies that encourage the slackers and the loafers at the expense of the worker bees will soon go into the red.
Which brings us to our current crop of geniuses, whether corporate or governmental. They reward incompetence. They encourage, in the name of fairness, a feeling of entitlement that makes any other motivation self-defeating. They evade legality and they lie about it in terms of glowing selflessness. Now they are flouting the Law Of Unsustainability formulated by Herb Stein (father of Ben and chief economist under Nixon) which goes like this: 'Things that are unsustainable will not be sustained.' They are living this lie and are so deluded they dont really even know that there are consequences for lying. Morality. Lying isnt just BAD its NOT SMART behavior. When you lie you start to believe that reality is maleable, that your lie is the truth. After a while you dont even think that there is an objective truth. You become a fool. We are led by dishonest fools. Fools who think their lies justify them enslaving everyone else to their admittedly well-engineered social agenda, which coincidently is very much in their own personal interests.
Some would call this self-serving sophistry a veneer of lies to hide a massive theft. Lies which have deluded the rubes into voting their oppressors into office to save the drowning polar bears and the shrinking rain forest. They think they can just preform an unconstitutional slight-of-hand trick and magically add government health care to the Unsustainable Structure and everything will just chug along nicely. Dominos are crashing all around; Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Ireland, California, New York, Illinois, thousands of municipal governments, crowds of teachers are being laid off, the gravity of Unsustainability is exacting its merciless pull on the debt-ridden, ossified social structures. Only the presence of a few undamaged states like Texas and the printing of trillions of Obama Bucks is keeping the nation's head slightly above water. But adding Health Care for everyone wont tip us into national bankruptcy...its the Right Thing To Do!
And what a nation it is, too! A society of people who expect that it is their right to receive more benefits from society than they put in. A country densely populated by people who dont believe in the Law of Unsustainability because they worship the False Idol of Entitlement. They believe in their hearts that the trough will always be full. Now that Idol is telling them that adding tens of millions of new recipients to the already bankrupt Medicare-Medicaid rolls and turning the privately-run medical insurance industry over to the tender mercies of the federal bureaucracy is going to save hundreds of billions of dollars.
But they dont believe it any more. The truth is too stark for anyone who hasnt had their brains warped in a Major University to ignore. The dishonesty and incompetence of the Democrats is too blatant. Even the totally negative, self-centered, immoral worry that one's entitled benefits wont get paid has shocked millions of people into consciousness. The continuing collapse cant be ignored outside of government and the top reaches of the corporate world. The lies and the fake social concern will not head off the approaching crash. The Unsustainable will not be sustained. I aint lyin'.
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