This morning on Real Clear Politics Stuart Rothenburg, a thoughtful liberal and solidly inside-the-beltway type, writes a calm think-piece allowing that there has been a shift in the political winds and that the Republican Brand that the DC geniuses had pronounced as unsellable, the brand that had become as toxic as the American Motors brand became in the seventies, had enjoyed a slight but understandable comeback. Why the Dems, who 'everybody' thought would enlarge their one-party grip on total power, might even lose a seat or two in 2010 and that they should work ever harder to enact their program of reform before the curmudgeonly voters emerge from their musty-smelling tea parties and knock off a few deserving but misunderstood stalwarts. Stuey picks carefully amongst the crowd of beached Demo political whales and concludes that they are merely sunbathing, although one or two might have problems returning to the water.
"The overall shift in the psychology of the cycle ..." The overall shift is from Hope And Change to Dopes Enraged as the chumps who bought the Obama con j0b realize how badly they've been had. They're looking at the 'Ronald Reagan Democrats' who turned into 'Joseph Stalin Democrats' the minute they got to DC. They're looking at two trillion dollar deficits from the people who spent eight years screaming about Bush's 250 billion dollar deficits. They're looking at 10% and growing official unemployment rates and real unemployment rates approaching 20% and then looking over at the college grads sitting in their living rooms listlessly watching TV because they cant find a job with their expensive but worthless degrees. They've noticed that the Dems want to cut half a billion dollars from the already bankrupt Medicare and add twenty or thirty million new 'beneficiaries', many of them citizens of China or Mexico. They're watching the once-proud US turn into a groveling satrapy of the Chicoms and the shameful spectacle of our President bowing low as he apologizes to every clapped-out, bloodthirsty Leninist dictator while at the same time he stiffs our long-time allies. They're thinking about the vast ocean of oil and trillions of cubic yards of natural gas left in the ground while the people who refuse to build nuke power plants are waxing poetic about windmills and solar panels that produce tiny amounts of electricity at a huge cost. They're looking at a government whose policies are aimed at the end of individual automobile ownership and that is committed to lowering the standard of living for us little peons so we dont mess up the atmosphere with our carbon-criminal lifestyles. They're looking at a HealthScare 'reform' that steeply raises taxes on small business and the middle class five years before introducing a system that will destroy private health care and dump us all into a Soviet-style gubmint health care system that has failed miserably in every country stupid enough to try it. They're reading about a shadow government run outside any Constitutional restraint by Commissars who have openly announced their fervent commitment to Marxist ideology; a safe-schools Commissar who openly advocates child molestation and a regulatory Commissar who advocates giving legal representation to animals among the collection of angry utopian crackpots who have been awarded vast powers by an arrogant chief executive. They're looking at a Crap On Trade Tax that claims that it will fix the weather and that is based on phony made-up 'data' that the 'scientists' who promulgate it claim to have lost. They're looking at the open Democrat support for a criminal organization openly engaged in voter fraud. They're looking at a war in Afghanistan where the commander-in-chief has refused to identify victory as a goal and whose only announced policy is one of 'disengagement'.
If the American people have any sense left at all there wont be a single Democrat viable for any office in any state. There is a tidal wave of rage amongst normal people against these lying left-wing elitists and despair and angst among Democrats who see all their prized hallucinations melting away as the test of reality is applied and the phony 'moderate' label becomes harder and harder to use to bamboozle the voters. This avid anger is a real tidal wave larger than any of that drooling moron Algore's fantasy Global Warming Computer Model tidal waves. It is a wave that will sweep the trembling edifice of the Hope And Changeniks into the swirling waters of their failed and misguided policies.
One idea is emerging as the watchword for the 2010 election becomes clear; if you vote for ANY Democrat for ANY office you are a complete and total dolt. They have proven their idiocy, corruption, arrogance and incompetence beyond a shadow of a doubt. The leftist nostrums so dear to the hearts of every Democrat are bringing poverty and disaster to the voters they have lied to so fervently and are whipping up a wave of fury against them. The truth is now crystal clear; there are NO moderate Democrats, only a pack of damned commies who should hang their heads in shame and who have no business in any public office.
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