Wonder Woman has struck again! The media are so consumed with class warfare hatred for Sarah Palin that they are missing the truth of why she is so popular and the importance of that popularity to the outcome of this election.
When the year began the giant TV event was Obama. When he beat Hillary in one primary in March, I forget which one, they cut away from her concession speech to a forty-five minute Obama speech. It was the correct decision; Obama was compelling, the crowd crackled with excitement and the speech was ringing, perfectly timed and beautifully written. It had eloquence and vision for all its vague promise of Change You Can Believe In. He was a TV event! The Michael Jackson of politics.
But now Obama has been reduced to a smarmy con-man, trying to be some things that he's not; a middle-of-the-road mainstream politician and a leader. His pathetic behavior in the Cabinet Room economic summit, the one where McCain successfully imitated the 5,000 year old neolithic cadaver that they dug out of a glacier a few years ago, bodes ill for this country if he manages to get himself elected. The music and the passion of Obama have long since departed. He's running on the current economic crisis and Bush malaise. The TV God has deserted him.
His speeches are dry and formless, the crowds dont seem energetic. Obama's performance at the first debate had all the finesse of a Mattress City commercial where you know the promise of a free mattress if you can match their price at another store is nonsense.
Meanwhile, a new Star is born. This is the second time that Palin has shown what she is... a true political savant. Shes as good on TV as Bill Clinton. She connects, she hits home. What a contrast to that dope Biden. This was like 'Married With Children's' Peggy Bundy debating the evil guy from the bank. They should have had a laugh, applause, boo, groan soundtrack machine. She adds a sense of drama. she works the camera. Who cares about that briefing-book baloney anyway? Bringing that one point up about Obama's accusation that our troops were 'bombing villages and murdering children' in Afghanistan gave people a simple, clear definition of Obama's foreign policy views that average people can understand. The contorted flapdoodle that the Obamanoids use to respond to this is only assessable to nerds who hang out on Andrew Sullivan's blog or waste their time reading Paul Krugman columns. Normal humans need not apply. Palin got her points across like that. She winked; its just between us folks! Its the Regular People vs. THEM! That is powerful. Its a shame that she's not at the top of the ticket. She's a leader. Conservatives have been seeking 'The New Reagan' during the tragic two decades of Bushy-Clintonista misrule. So misguided and pathetic in their need were they that clunky bozos like Mutt Romney or some Arkansas sidewinder named Huckleberry were even looked upon with faint hope.
Now our Bill Clinton has arisen...and she's a chick! She's a HOT chick too. I dug that black outfit, it was one step away from leather. It was so very not Andrea Mitchell. Heidi would have told her to leave the runway in that office-manager getup. That's the genius of Palin, of course. She's the hot chick you work with, not some earnest lifetime chiseling Senior Senator with an arrogant delivery and a bad plug-job. This was the 'Married With Children' debate and Peggy retired from the stage as the overdub-track machine went wild with applause.
The McCain campaign will now surely be forced to let Palin lead the charge against the noxious poison of Obamanism. She connects and he doesn't. Period. She has to be set loose to nail Obama with the sins of his Marxist past like some Aimee Semple McPherson going after the devil and calling of the faithful to witness for a non-socialist America; a country that has traditions and values that have taken it to heights that no other nation on earth has even reached and which deserve to be honored and kept. The Wrinkly Old White Dude needs to do something that people will respond to and he's shown himself to not be up to the job. He needs to attack Obama and he doesn't have it in him attack any Democrat. He's running this campaign like he's running for the Senate in Arizona. His dashing running mate is his only hope.
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