The polls were surging. The voters were furious at the failed left-wing economic policies and unpopular legislation nationalizing health care the supposedly centrist Demo-rats had arrogantly foisted on this nation. In the Dem landslide of 2008 the Republiclown Party had been reduced to the status of one of those fake opposition parties that dictators keep alive to pretend that their country isnt really a one-party state. If the Obamunists had had any sense they would have thrown a few scraps to the cringing cowards across the aisle to keep them quiescent. Thats what LBJ did when he had a similar majority. But LBJ had spent a lifetime shepherding legislation through congress. He knew the shifting nature of coalitions and how to horse-trade with everybody.
The Obama Gang, clueless academics from universities where no opposition is tolerated, was cut from a different bolt of cloth, and the people who ran the new Dem majority in congress were different as well. They had the whip-hand and being ideological types they didnt respect their opponents; they hated them and viewed them as enemies. Pathetic enemies with no power and no hope of ever regaining power. In one of the most foolish political mistakes ever made the Dems used their ascendancy in both houses to lock the Republiclowns completely out of the legislative process. So instead of humble eager-to-please aisle-crossers they created a unified, angry bloc of opponents. The Dems forced the Reps to stand up straight and show some gumption for once.
Something else was happening in the country. Without any prompting from anyone from any part of the ruling class the citizens of the country, longtime conservatives who had abandoned McLame in 2008 and independents who had gone for the feelgood advertising campaign of Hope And Change arose, furious at the radicals in the now wholly Dem-run government who were enacting outrage after outrage while the economy crumbled. The Tea Party was born from a rant by Rick Santelli on CNBC early in the process that went viral on U-Tube, an ominous sign of the declining power of the Official Media to control what people get to see and hear about. This rebellion was dismissed as a few of the usual malcontents by all the Inside-The -Beltway types in both parties. They all were upset and frightened as townhalls turned into angry yelling mobs and legislators were forced to turn and run from their furious constituents.
In ultra-blue New Jersey, the same insurgents overthrew a well-entrenched, generations-old Demo-rat cleptocracy and installed a reformer who was ready to take on the establishment. In Massachusetts Ted Kennedy's old seat was taken in a surprise uprising by these very same people and virtually without any help from the confused DC Republiclowns. The Dem's arrogant folly of insulting Olympia Snowe and Lindsay Graham and their ilk became apparent when the 60-vote lock-solid, filibuster-proof Dem hold on the Senate disappeared. The health care nationalization bill had to be finagled through on a very suspicious procedural vote where the contents were keep secret so they could be rewritten later.
The anger grew. Obama and the elitist fools around them made political mistake after political mistake. Obama didnt even rise to the low standard set by the corrupt and incompetent BJ Clinton when it came to keeping up appearances. As the 2010 primary season approached the rebellion was faced with a question...stay in the liberal Republican Party and reform it from within or strike out as their own third party. The decision was made by the only two people with any claim to leadership that the new insurgents had; Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin.
They encouraged and supported insurgency against the decrepit Republiclowns.
Old liberal warhorses like Bennet in Utah, Murk-COW-ski in Alaska, McConnell's hand-picked stooge in Kentucky and The Weasel Crist in Florida, the mangy varmint who had sealed the deal for McLame in '08, were taken on in the primaries and defeated, along with many, many others. It was by no means total, plenty of insider Republiclowns survived but the party had taken a huge jump to the right. Candidates emerged to challenge old-time Dem stalwarts who had never run in a competitive election before.
The Republiclowns, eager as always to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, launched vicious attacks on conservatives in the primaries and refused to fund them in the election itself. Some candidates were considered so beyond the pale that they were openly attacked in the media by Republiclown operatives. The Republiclowns refused to nationalize the election by attacking Obama and the Demo-rats and their left-wing policies. That too was left to talk radio and people like Sarah Palin. Candidates like Carly Fiorina and Meg Whitman in California never mentioned that their opponents were liberals or attacked any aspect of liberalism in the time-honored Republiclown mistake of debating after you accept your opponent's premises.
But in spite of the stupidity and cluelessness of the DC Republiclowns the wave could not be stopped. It didnt start in DC and no one from inside the beltway had any real influence over it. A great victory was won. A huge setback was dealt to the radicals and their feckless leader. A large group of energized and motivated conservatives will take their seats in congress in January. Boehner and McConnell, both fairly sensible and effective politicians had taken note of the feeling in the country and had used that emotion to make the best of the bad hands they had been dealt in '08.
Meanwhile the Republiclown bureaucracy, liberal and corrupt, had been handed a gift; a victory they did nothing to achieve. They immediately moved to insult and denigrate the people who had given them this gift. Why hadnt they won ten seats in the Senate instead of six? A hundred seats in the House instead of a mere sixty? It was those danged Tea Party extremists! If only we had had a few more spineless, wishy-washy candidates we would have won more, gotten our majority back in the Senate. Then they began announcing initiatives to make sure that Sarah Palin didnt get the nomination in 2012 and talking of bipartisanship to aid the failing Demo-rats.
But this is a new day. The time of the quibblers is over. As the Republiclown Party moved to the right the Demo-rats, their moderates massacred in the election, became a party dominated by ultra-blue-state politicians from safe districts, a very much more left-wing crewe than before. McLame's aisle that he crossed again and again has become like the Green Line in Beirut; you cross at your peril. Even Olympia Snowe, up for reelection in 2012 in a state that just elected a very conservative governor has to be mindful of a primary challenge and also of the fate of traitor weasels like Jumpin' Jim Jeffords, Arlen Sphincter and The Weasel Crist. But the main thing working against the libs now is that no one wants to bet their career on the inept political skills of Barak Obama, who is rapidly morphing into a tall, better-spoken version of Al Sharpton.
The coming fight will be for the whole enchilada. A reelection of Barak Obama will be the end for democracy and prosperity in this country forever. We must recapture the Senate and hold the gains in the House. This will be much harder if the fools who run the Republiclown National Committee remain undisturbed in their clueless incompetence. They cannot be allowed to inflict a Pawlenty or a Romney or any other equivocating moderate on the party as its nominee in 2012. The whole premise of Hope And Change has to be questioned and fought and defeated. The Republiclowns, inspired by their tremendous losses in '06 and '08, courted failure in this last election but they failed to achieve it. It has given them a new resolve that they wont be allowed to not fail again by a bunch of yahoos screaming about the Laffer Curve and massive program cuts. They're all about jobs...their jobs, their place at the trough and believe me, these pigs will bite, squeal, and totally sell-out to keep their noses in the mash.