Saturday, June 30, 2007
Fairness Fun
Lets have Fairness in political media. And by political I mean shows like Oprah and the Daily Show. Now it goes without saying that Oprah's obvious 'Balance Partner' would be Ann Coulter. What wonderful TV that would make! After all TV doesnt really convey information, it exudes feelings, so lets let the feelings run strong. I want to see Ann run out into the audience and hug her little heart out. Just because we dont want to redistribute wealth and nationalize health care doesnt mean we cant feel your pain as well as the next guy.
I work in an animation studio (well, a lot of animation studios. Film production is like a giant game of musical chairs, everybody hopping from job to job) and its becoming more and more clear that most of my left-wing collegues don't read even left-wing blogs or newspapers (who can blame them? Strip away the psychotic invective and conspiracy theories and you're left with vague, unsupportable old Socialist nostrums that have to disguise their true intent because they are so easily discredited). Their main source of political information is the wretched 'Daily Show'. Playing clips and smirking along. Innuendo at its dumbest and least funny. But hard to argue with. I mean we all KNOW that conservatives are a mean, spiteful bunch of inarticulate clowns..dont we? If you start from that premise its easy to laugh along and your facile 'understanding' will enable you to cast just as valid a vote as the most informed policy wonk.
So who's John Stewart's 'Balance Partner'? He'd have Newt foaming at the mouth pretty quick, anyway Newt's sense of humor (if it exists) doesnt play out on TV. Fred Barnes? NAH! Mark Levin...BINGO!
Just let 'American Idol' set the tone. We reinvent elections. All the candidates from each party get (at first) a quick, few seconds to make their point. At which point our three judge panel... say Al Franken, Morton Kondrake and Mark Levin add a comment. Then America votes, each week one or two are eliminated and the time of the remaining ones is increased. Until the final episode and the two left standing.
So when people start talking 'Fairness Doctrine' dont close your minds. The permanent beurocracy is going to do whatever the hell it wants, regardless of who gets elected or what the law says so lets have some fun.
And Now For Something Completely Different!
American Dynasties
These incompetent morons are not a dynasty. You can be assured that Republicans (of which I am one) have been cured of the urge to vote for the liberal, bureaucratic, visionless, spineless empty suits who comprise the 'Bush' side of your dynastic equation. If only the Democrats would become equally disillusioned with the corrupt, amazingly phony and dishonest, sloppy, inept and vicious Clintons. The only thing that we can truly count on is the continuous, luxuriant growth of a feeble and oppressive bureaucracy which will, at some point, take us from prosperity to poverty.
Rock On Hillary
Anyway, here's my comment:
Bring On Hillary Carter Clinton
The 401k granola-eating yuppies deserve the Democrats. Their ignorance of how economies work and where wealth comes from (courtesy of the wonderful professors who propagandize in our universities) will be played out when the caring, compassionate Friends Of The Little Guy tax and regulate this country into poverty. Working class people actually have much less to lose in the coming Soviet-style collapse because they generally have more children who wont let them starve. Please Lord, Let the DINKS and the 401k worshipers' securities become worthless,real estate values tank, their pension plans go bankrupt and their currency inflate to the value of used toilet paper. Rock On Hillary!
Well,yes...its a little pessimistic but where else are we headed?
Parasitic Americans
When asked if she believed Americans were paying enough taxes, Clinton praised billionaire U.S. investor Warren Buffett because, as she said, “He’s honest enough to say, look, tax me because I’m a patriotic American.”
She went on, “We have to change the tax system and we’ve got to get back to having those with the most contribute to this country.”
"I’m making $80 million a year, God must have intended me to have a lower tax rate." Buffett said: “The 400 of us [here] pay a lower part of our income in taxes than our receptionists do, or our cleaning ladies, for that matter. If you’re in the luckiest 1 per cent of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99 percent.” Of course, we all know the results of this type of steeply progressive tax schemes; people cant rise by their own efforts so they decide to take it easy; people with money to invest either go offshore or spend their capital; no jobs are created, many are lost and the ranks of the 'deserving poor', those wonderful paragons that all our efforts should be going to help, swell enormously. The Already Rich and the Politically Powerful become a permanent class whose ranks can only be entered by birth or extreme political effort. Innovation and creativity cease. Birthrates crash.The dull, dreary industrial feudalism descends on 'the other 99 percent. Here are the comments I posted on Townhall: Amanda- You Heard Wrong Hillary didnt say "patriotic" she said "parasitic', as did that well-known parasite Warren Buffet. Get some Q-Tips and clean the Right Wing Wax out of your ears, girl! Even her husband wasn't dumb enough to raise capital gains tax rates, although he tried to raise every other tax rate. But Madam is ready to go the Whole Hog and reduce this once-great country to a burned-out husk of a Euro-Trash Social Democracy, where only the Parasitic Americans (people who ALREADY have money and their political cronies) will preside over depression-level unemployment rates and zero growth. Warren's servants and their children will have no other option than a lifetime of devoted service to their loving and patronizing parasite. See you on the welfare line.
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Tuesday, June 19, 2007
He talked about his qualities as a possible Presidential candidate. In a party where the rank and file feel totally betrayed by the leadership, someone with reliably conservative views and a track record of putting them into action as very attractive but is Newt the guy that can go up against the Evil Clintons? i posted a comment:
The problem with Newt is that he's already faced the machine that is 'The Clintons' and they've got his number. While Hilly will be spewing platitudes and blowing fake kisses with Oprah and Matt Lauer the sock puppets will be ridiculing him as a nerd. The always repulsive Clints realize that ideas dont matter, especially to the ignorant retards, er... excuse me, swing voters that are up for grabs in the last weeks of a campaign. Its all about FEELINGS. Whichever Republican wins the nomination is going to have to reduce his message to a few simple, understandable emotional issues and not get knocked off message. Newt cant do that. During the impeachment of BJ Newt let the Clinton machine turn the subject from corruption to privacy and he lost big time. On the budget they turned it from excessive spending to Granny aint gettin her check. Whupped his ass and they'll do it again.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Harry Reid-- Master Strategist
Reid Is A Genius
You are blinded by your medieval military prejudices which enjoin you to 'kill' or 'defeat' the enemy. The 21st Century Harry Reid strategy is much more compelling. You form a shell company with Al Qaeda and Mukki El Sadr, privatize a huge tract of Iraqi public land and use your insider position to make sure that the shell company ends up owning the property. Then you sell out to a large land development company. Everybody wins, problem solved!
You neocon Neanderthals just cant let go of your addiction to war; a few carbombings in crowded marketplaces here or a couple of beheadings there and you want to send in the Marines. The Democrats are going to send for an advisory team from Hamas (who have had such a glowing success dealing with their political opposition lately) to try to sort out the political situation on the ground in Washington and GIVE PEACE A CHANCE!
Friday, June 15, 2007
Clinton Stocks
If I had bowbow doggie loser stocks like Johnson&Johnson and Pfizer I'd liquidate them MUY PRONTO!- conflict or not. How can people who take baskets of cash from all and sundry, including millions from one critter who makes his living selling lists of vulnerable senior citizens to ripoff artists (Vin Gupta) and who have never had to explain or even comment on the millions that got and are getting from the evil commies in Red China, again without any reaction from the public, be worried about scrutiny? The press are their lapdogs, their Democratic opponents too befuddled and ethically compromised themselves to make a squeak and the Republican establishment (steeped in the gutless bipartisanship that our very misguided Prez thinks will earn him Brownie Points in history) has the spinelessness of a crawling nematode.Until somebody has the guts to really publicly confront the most corrupt pair of politicians in American history we'll never be rid of them. So Missy Hilly, keep your poorly performing drug stocks while you rant against Big Pharma, just as you ranted against Dubai Ports World while the lovely and exciting BJ was in Dubai bilking the emir out of a few hundred thousand in consultancy fees, nobody's ever going to say a thing.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Ministry Of Plenty
> If something that is not chocolate can, for self-serving purposes, can be bureaucratically defined as chocolate how can anyone have any faith in any definition on any label? Therefore the agency that was established to prevent consumer fraud becomes a party to it. You must be so proud! When I think about how much mislabeled industrial muck the chronically obese herd of swine often referred to as 'the consumers' are undoubtedly and unknowingly sucking down their greedy maws already I reflect that you could honestly label these products and these morons would buy it by the ton as long as it was sweet, greasy and cheap. The worse aspect of this is not in candy bars but where chocolate is used as an ingredient, the recipe remains the same but quality of each ingredient degrades until we have a world where an original 1960's Hostess Twinkie will seem like a gourmet's dream in comparison to its twenty-fist century cousin. Dont let them call reprocessed vegetable oil chocolate, it degrades you.
Party Priorty
The party has joined the permanent beaurocracy, the corporate community and the academic and media elitists in their belief that subsidies and government programs are the answer to every perceived problem and that the common herd exists only to pay taxes to support their wise policies.
The party that used to stand for freedom is now working with the Democrats to destroy freedom. The total failure of leadership by President Bush has turned this party into a claque of cheap pimps trying to earmark their way into the good graces of their corporate and beaurocratic supporters. President Bush moved haltingly forward on the War On Terror (after kowtowing to our enemies at the UN) and then, faced with Syrian and Iranian support for the terrorists collapsed into gutless 'diplomacy'. The government, from FEMA to the FDA to the Department of Education, and most especially the intelligence community and the Dept. Of Homeland Security has turned into a massively expensive and totally incompetent bunch of buffoons, unable to carry out their mandated functions and many times actively working against our national interests.
The party's top priory is to resist this slide toward EuroTrash Socialism, reform the entitlement monster that threatens to engulf our society, loudly and vocally point out the corruption and dishonesty that are rife in the Democratic party and in fact, treat the Dems as adversaries. DUMP THE BIPARTISAN BULLSHIT! The Party needs to stop targeting 'vulnerable' swing districts and take the war to the enemy all over the country...make the Libs defend their failed policies. Speak out for property rights and some sort of guarantee that the government cant confiscate more than a certain percentage of the money that people earn. Stop the 'comprehensive Immigration' crap and enforce the current law, including telling Mexico to stop interfering in our internal affairs and closing most of their consulates in this country. Be an alternative to giant government instead of a participant. Oppose Global Warming as a political tool to expand government control over our lives. Oppose the failed concept of government health care.
Cancel your subscription to the New York Times and throw your television set out the window....